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Michael Reit Author

Beyond the Tracks audiobook bundle

Beyond the Tracks audiobook bundle

Regular price $35.00 CAD
Regular price $63.00 CAD Sale price $35.00 CAD
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This is the full Beyond the Tracks series audiobook bundle, offered at a 45% discount compared to when purchasing audiobooks separately.

Book 1 - Beyond the Tracks

Berlin, 1938
It’s no longer safe here.

When the Jewish families of Berlin start disappearing in nightly raids, 21-year-old Jacob Kagan knows it’s only a matter of time before the trucks come for him. Along with his family and best friend, he flees the country he’s always called home to find shelter in a Dutch refugee camp. Before long, the Netherlands falls to the Nazi war machine — Jacob’s new home is transformed into a transit camp with weekly trains bound for the horrors of the Eastern concentration camps.

Handpicked by the cruel new SS regime to police the camp’s Jewish population, Jacob has the opportunity to save his parents and best friend from the dreaded transport lists — but at what cost?

Based on true events, 
Beyond the Tracks is a redemptive story of unconditional loyalty and a will to survive at impossible odds.

Book 2 - Tracks to Freedom

The only way you’ll leave Auschwitz is through the chimney.

The words still rang in Agnes Markx’s head as she left the Judenramp and the hive of activity around the train behind. As a nurse assigned to Block 10, she realizes the stories of the horrors transpiring here weren’t exaggerated. Now an unwilling accomplice in the Nazi doctors’ medical experiments, she vows to save as many women under her care as possible.

Electrician Joel Kozak has access to all areas of the gargantuan camp. When the underground camp resistance reaches out to him one day, he discovers his appointment wasn’t by accident.

As a stoker in Birkenau’s crematoria, Samson Tarski witnesses more death in an hour than most people in a lifetime. The thought of stepping into the gas chambers and ending his struggle is always on his mind. But when one of his friends shares a bold plan to rise up and destroy the buildings of death, he finds a renewed sense of purpose.

These three strangers are now part of an attempt to achieve the impossible without knowing each other.

To rise up, destroy the Auschwitz-Birkenau death factory, and escape to tell the world about it.

Book 3 - The Botanist's Tracks

Felcia Hodaks's vital botanical skills are the only thing keeping her away from the gas chambers.

Against the backdrop of Auschwitz-Birkenau's ever-present brutality, Felcia tends to the plants needed for one of the Reich's most ambitious experiments—one that could tip the war in favor of the Nazis.

When Sabina Kupka discovers the horrifying nature of her father's job at a coal mine run by Nazis, she agrees to work with an increasingly defiant resistance. What starts small but significant soon propels her into a frontline role—dangerous enough to cost her her life if caught.

Soon, both women are engaged in a daring plan to arm the prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

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